Natural Medicine For Cockatiel │ How do you treat a sick bird at home?

Natural Medicine For Cockatiel

Natural medicines are medicine which is provided by nature to heal organisms from diseases and wounds. Naturally, cockatiel heals themselves from the forest medicine. As we humans have kept them in the cage we give them artificial medicine which has side effects. So better than that we should provide our cockatiel with natural medicine which has fewer side effects. 

Artificial medicine has a major drawback with high dosages can lead to kidney failure and liver damage and finally death. So you must give your cockatiel minimal artificial medicine and prove natural food and water to keep them healthy. Ancient man has been using many herbal plants to treat the bird. Here are the herbs used to treat cockatiel.

   1. Turmeric

Turmeric is a herbal spice yellow in color and is mostly found in South Asia. Turmeric is very useful for humans as well as for cockatiels they are immunity boosters and have numerous health benefits. Cockatiel with fever, loose motion, and cold, should be given turmeric in water. 1/2 tsp of turmeric with 1 liter of water would be sufficient. 

It can be provided for 2-3 days weekly. Apart from that if a cockatiel is wounded, injured, or has broken bones, turmeric as magic will heal in no time. I have experienced that effect. Turmeric is antibacterial which keeps your bird from any bacterial disease. So the point is turmeric has numerous benefits and you should surely provide your cockatiel with turmeric.

   2. Neem leaf

Antillean Azadirachta or Neem leaf is one of the most beneficial herbs which every medical property. Neem leaves are used when your cockatiel is feeling dull or not eating well. Neem is antibiotic, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory. It curses cold, fever, and digestion problems in cockatiels. They are effective during the summer season as temp reaches 35-40 degrees, and neem leaf cools their body. 

You can give neem leaves by boiling them with water for 15 min and after cooling, spray it on your cockatiel. It will help them cool their body and also remove mites from their body. Neem leaves are replanted to incest acting as excellent replants. Once in week spray your cage with neem water for a healthy and bacterial-free environment. They are also used for deworming in cockatiels.

   3. Tulsi or Holy Basil

Tulsi is a natural ayurvedic medicine for cockatiels that helps them with all digestive issues, colds and provides them with immunity. Tulsi should be provided in the cockatiel diet as they are rich in minerals and provide antibacterial properties. They are excellent for cooling properties which prevent cockatiels from irritation and plucking feathers. The properties of tulsi are almost the same as neem leaves. Tulsi is rich in vitamin A, vitamin E, and iron. You can provide tulsi leaves directly into your birdcage or provide them in water.

   4. Aloe Vera  

Aloe Vera helps if your cockatiel had a food infection, and can heal your bird in a very early stage. Aloe Vera is rich in vitamins, calcium, chloride, potassium, sodium, zinc, amino acid, iron, and essential oil. They are used to cure skin disease and weather degradation. To prevent feather plucking of any bird apply aloe Vera apply it on the feather, you will notice it will not plug as aloe vera is bitter which improves their habit. 

It is also used to heal the wound, eye infections, and feather decomposition. The presence of aloe Vera in the surrounding will keep your cockatiel in a healthy environment repelling all incest and ants from the cage. Aloe Vera also helps in preventing egg binding and improves stamina. You can spray aloe Vera in water and spray or directly apply it on your bird feather.

   5. Mexican mint

Mexican mint is local to Africa and India. The local name for Mexican mint leaves is "Ajwain" which is available in any local nursery. Ajwain is used to cure loose-motion, cold, and other diseases. These leaves provide energy to your cockatiel and make your body cool. You can give these directly to your cockatiel or boil them in water and provide them when it is cooled. It is also used to treat sick cockatiel chicks by providing 2 tsp of mint extract.

   6. Ginger

Ginger is easily available in our kitchen. These are provided with healthy vitamins, protein, and calcium, completing your cockatiel diet. Gingers are used to cure diarrhea, respiratory disease, digestion, and fever. You can provide one drop for 50ml of water, cockatiel doesn't like the smell of ginger. So provide it in dilute form. For winter provide your cockatiel with ginger to keep up their body-worn.


In conclusion, natural medicine can be an excellent approach to keeping your cockatiel healthy without the danger of unpleasant side effects that often accompany artificial treatment. Turmeric, neem leaf, tulsi or holy basil, aloe vera, Mexican mint, and ginger are among the herbs described in this article that have multiple advantages and can be used to treat a variety of ailments and health issues. 

Remember to provide these herbs in the proper amount and frequency, and visit a veterinarian if your cockatiel shows any indications of disease. By introducing natural medicine into your cockatiel's diet and surroundings, you can guarantee that your feathery buddy lives a happy and healthy life.

Is apple cider vinegar good for cockatiels?

Yes. Apple cider vinegar help birds to reduce fats. Birds that sit for too long in breeding their chick tense to get obese and hence lead to diseases. Providing your cockatiel with 5ml in 1 lire of water will be good enough.
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