Preserving Pet’s Happiness: Understanding Medicines and Dosages for 5 Common Dog Diseases in India

medicines for dog

🔹 Introduction

Taking care of your dog’s health is essential for their well-being and happiness. By recognizing the signs and symptoms of common dog diseases, you can provide appropriate medicines and dosages to them. Unfortunately, in many parts of the country, people don’t have immediate access to veterinarians. What to do in such scenarios? 

In this article, we explore 5 common dog illnesses, their medicines, and dosages. You can refer to these, in case you too can’t find a vet nearby. Remember, despite these references, it’s always advised to consult a vet. They are the best guide who can diagnose and provide a specified treatment for your dogs. The dosages of the medicines depend upon various factors like the age of the dog, breed, etc. Please follow the prescribed dosage strictly. 

🔹 Common Dog Diseases

1. Fever

If your dog shows symptoms like shivering, discharge from eyes, lethargy, runny nose, or loss of appetite, it might be suffering from fever. Check its body temperature using a thermometer. A temperature above 103°F is a clear sign of your dog’s disease. 

Alternatively, you can also press the inner part of the ear for 15 seconds. If you feel it’s becoming too warm, there is a high chance your dog might be ill. Please read the treatment for dog fever provided below.

Medicines for dog fever and Dosages: 

You can give ‘Intas Melonex Infection For Dogs’ syrup to your pet. Alternatively, you can also use Himalaya Himpyrin. Feed this directly to your pets. 
Himalaya Himpyrin and Melonex
The dosage for both medicines is the same.
1ml - if your dog weighs up to 15 kg (increase it proportionally if it weighs more)
Give it twice a day. Preferably morning and evening.
Both these medicines are highly effective. Choose whichever is available near you.

2. Vomiting And Diarrhea

Vomiting and diarrhea are common problems that can cause discomfort and dehydration in dogs. The two most common symptoms of this are lethargy and loss of appetite. 

Medicine for dog Vomiting and diarrhea and Dosages: 

Some of the medicines you can feed to cure dog disease are:
Emikind Pet Syrup - Vomiting
Vomikind Syrup - Vomiting
Wigodan Antiemetic Syrup - Vomiting
Oflokind-OZ Pet Suspension - Diarrhoea
Emikind Pet Syrup and Vomikind SyrupWigodan Antiemetic Syrup and Oflokind-OZ Pet Suspension
The dosage for all the medicines is the same, i.e. 5 ml per 10 kg dog weight.
Remember to give it this proportion. Anything above this could be dangerous for your dog’s health.

3. Itching

Mostly, all pet parents have faced this dog disease. It can cause hair loss, skin irritation, and constant scratching. Itching can be broadly classified into two types - ‘generalized itching’ and ‘local itching’. Itching that affects the entire body of your pet is known as generalized itching. In contrast, local itching refers to itching on a specific area of your pet. 

Medicines for Dog Itching and Dosages: 

‘Generalised Itching’

👉 Step 1 - Give your pet a good massage. You can either use “Capt. Zack TazSoothe – Itch Relief Biphasic” or “Buy Papa Pawsome Itch No More Massage Oil.” 

👉 Step 2 - Gently apply it all over your pet’s body. Leave it for 24 hours. Make sure that your dog has no contact with water till then.

👉 Step 3 - Afterwards, use TazSoothe – Itch Relief Shampoo. Massage it on your pet’s body and leave it for 10 minutes.

👉 Step 4 - Wait till the hair doesn't use a brush or any tool on its body. Wash it the next day. Make sure that your pet doesn't lick it and stays away from water. 

‘Local Itching’ 

The best remedy for this kind of itching is anti-itching sprays. You can buy either of these two:
1. PetArmor Anti-Itch Spray 
2. Captain Zack TazSoothe Dog Itch Relief Spray

Simply apply this over the affected area and leave. Avoid contact with eyes, mouth, and ears. It’s best to refrain your dog from licking the area. You can use an “Elizabethan collar” to stop your pet from either licking or itching the affected areas. 

Remember these things:
  • Don't give it human medicines
  • Avoid your soaps and shampoos 
  • Don't feed your pet allergic food. (You will have to observe which food causes allergic reactions in your pet. Avoid them at all costs) 

4. Ear Infection

Ear infections are extremely stressful and painful for your pets. Common symptoms are odor, head shaking, constant scratching, or ear discharge. Proper administration of medication according to the prescribed dosage is crucial for effective treatment and preventing recurrence.

Dog Ear Infection Medicines and Dosages: 

👉 Step 1 - Stretch your pet’s ear gently and wipe it off with a clean cloth. Make sure that you don’t rub it harshly. This could exaggerate the problem and can cause wounds. 

👉 Step 2 - Put INTAS Ambiflush on the clean cloth and wipe the infected area. Do this gently.
👉 Step 3 - After that apply Intas Pomisol Veterinary Ear Drops. Encourage your pet to walk for 2-3 hours, to keep him distracted from the irritation. Apply it regularly for 2-3 days. 

5. Wounds

Wounds are an unfortunate reality of a dog's active lifestyle. They are one of the most common dog diseases. It's important to promptly address any wounds to prevent infection and promote healing. 

Fortunately, there are medicines to choose from. You can buy any of these medicines. However, remember to get your pet diagnosed by your vet as soon as possible.

Medicine for dog wounds and Dosages: 

Betadine ointment - It is safe to use on your pet’s wounds. Simply apply it to the injured part. You can also use Betadine lotion.

Beaphar Vitamin B Complex - Feed 2-3 ml to 1-year-old pets.1 ml is sufficient for 6 months old puppies.

Sharrets Vitamin C (L Ascorbic Acid) Tablets - Feed 2 pills to 1-year-old. For a 6-month-old puppy, 1 pill is sufficient.

Aloe Heal Aloe Vera Veterinary Cream - Apply this on the wound. It significantly reduces pain and swelling.

Growel Pet Booster - Give 2 ml to 1-year-old and 1 ml to 6 months old puppies. For puppies younger than tan 0.5 ml would be sufficient.

Don’t worry, if none of these medicines are available near you. Buy the available medicines that have similar compositions.


By identifying the symptoms of fever, vomiting/diarrhea, itchiness, ear infections, and wounds, we can quickly treat these dog diseases. Remember to consult a veterinarian for professional guidance, dosage instructions, and suitable medicines for your pet's specific condition. Prioritizing their health will ensure a joyful life for our furry companions.

🔹 FAQs

1. What is the best medicine for a sick dog?
The medicine for a sick dog depends on the specific illness. Please consult a vet for proper diagnosis and treatment.

2. How much medicine can I give my dog?
Well, the dosage depends on various factors, like the age of the dog, weight, breed, gender, etc. It’s important to know basic information about your dogs to decide the quantity of medicine. 

3. What medicine for dog wounds?
We have mentioned the ointments you can apply to your dog’s wound. It’s advised to get it treated by the vet as soon as possible.

4. Which dog disease has no cure?
While many dog diseases can be managed or treated, there are certain conditions, such as degenerative neurological disorders, that currently have no known cure.

5. What medicine for dog itching?
Please follow the steps mentioned above diligently, to cure your pet’s illness. If it still prevails, consult a vet immediately.
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